Bob is my club. He has a secret blade that he uses when fighting crows with me. He is like Stormbringer in the fact that he is a living weapon.[No 0/0 Germs,MTG lovers.] One day,we saw a crow in my yard.
So I says to Bob,"Let's go kill it,Bob." He says "Okay." So we go out and it attacks us! Bob uses his magical blade to kill it's progeny,but it fights on! The crow attacks me next! I pull out Mick and slash it! The crow recoils and attacks Bob and Mick! I daringly attack it to defend Bob and Mick,and Bob attacks it with his blade,killing it.
Then Death of Crows appeared! I dueled with him for the crow's head. We fought and fought. I used a parry,he used a block. Stab,slash,punch poke fire ice and lightning. We fought for three hours,no resting. I used potions and Bob to bash and heal. I stabbed and he sliced. I clubbed and he blocked. I used Bob and Mick to win the day. I crushed Death of Crows. I had won at last!