Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love notes in the house of God

Upon awakening, Andrew's first words to me were, "You know, it's totally realistic that ( girl in his Sunday school class) could end up married to me."
Later on, at church, our  contemporary music director, Dean gave a message about the Bible being God's love letters to us. To illustrate this, he spoke of the old fashioned (pretexting) practicing of passing notes with the kid you had a crush on.
I should have been suspicious when Andrew grabbed a stack of scratch paper from the pew rack.
Yes, he was sitting beside his girl. By the time I thought to read the notes I saw this:

Cute dress!!!!!!
Thank you
I like your hair!!!!
Thank you
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Thank you

I guess I should be happy he pays some kind of attention in church.